Monday, December 19, 2011

Update to EPA created job loss and electric grid destabolization.
See october original post Obamas insanity.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Answer to; Why the "rich" are calling for more taxes on themselves in support of the OBAMA agenda.

this is one of the best explinations on why the ultra rich that we see calling for communism/socialism/"make me pay more takes" ect that we see on tv news or pushing the presidents adjenda. It just put it together for me. I have had this question in my head for a long time; Why would they advocate for pulling the whole system down? Can they not see that it will hurt them and their family?

Sunday, October 9, 2011

OBAMA's INSANITY using the EPA to force the closure of over 50 electric power plants (28 GW) in a recession with absolutely no replacement power.

With the country in a goverment caused prolonged recession and it's future at stake OBAMA throug the EPA is attempting to force it's collapse. Hurting the very "poor people" he claims to want to protect by forcing their energy costs to skyrocket for absolutely no other logical reason than his agenda. Take a look at what this will do to Chicago Obama's home town. How can he not see the problembs this will cause. Their electrical grid is already unstable. They need more power plants not less. Where is California"s power going to come from now : they buy their summer power from the grid. Which is why they have such high power bills.

Do you remember the 2003 power outage that cascaded from OHIO to CANADA? It was started due to the shutdown of a power plant in OHIO. It went off line due to a fault as per normal procedure. However the electric grid was at max load. That ment now there were not enough power plants to support the electric grid load and one by one each plant tripped off line on overcurrent as they tried to hold the load on the grid. Each time a plant went off line the process sped up the tripping off of others as the load becomes greater with less powerplants holding it up. Think of people holding a large box which weighs more than any of them can hold alone. Then take away one guy and see how long the box stays in the air as one by one people cant hold the load any more.

From Wikapeadia
The Northeast blackout of 2003 was a widespread power outage that occurred throughout parts of the Northeastern and Midwestern United States and Ontario, Canada on Thursday, August 14, 2003, just before 4:10 p.m. EDT (UTC−04).[1] At the time, it was the second most widespread blackout in history, after the 1999 Southern Brazil blackout.[2][3] The blackout affected an estimated 10 million people in Ontario and 45 million people in eight U.S. states.

In February 2004, the U.S.-Canada Power System Outage Task Force released their final report, placing the causes of the blackout into four groups:[11]
First, that FirstEnergy and its reliability council "failed to assess and understand the inadequacies of FE’s system, particularly with respect to voltage instability and the vulnerability of the Cleveland-Akron area, and FE did not operate its system with appropriate voltage criteria".
Second, that FirstEnergy "did not recognize or understand the deteriorating condition of its system".
Third, that FirstEnergy "failed to manage adequately tree growth in its transmission rights-of-way".
Finally, the "failure of the interconnected grid’s reliability organizations to provide effective real-time diagnostic support."
The report states that a generating plant in Eastlake, Ohio (a suburb of Cleveland) went offline amid high electrical demand, putting a strain on high-voltage power lines (located in a distant rural setting) which later went out of service when they came in contact with "overgrown trees". The cascading effect that resulted ultimately forced the shutdown of more than 100 power plants.
A preliminary report says four or five capacitor banks in the Cleveland-Akron area were removed from service for government inspection, including capacitor banks at Fox and Avon 138-kV substations. These reactive power sources are important for voltage support, but were not restored to service that afternoon despite the system operators’ need for more reactive power compensation. The normal practice is to inspect in off-peak seasons, but government officials demanded the inspection when inspectors were available. The final report does not mention this government demand. The lack of reactive power compensation caused the protective relay trip that brought the system down. The same thing also caused the 1965 blackout.
This trip caused overloading of other transmission lines, tripping their relays. Once these multiple trips occurred, multiple generators suddenly lost parts of their loads, so they accelerated out of phase with the grid at different rates, and tripped out to prevent damage."

"IER Identifies Coal Fired Power Plants Likely to Close as Result of EPA Regulations"
Posted October 7, 2011 |

“So if somebody wants to build a coal-fired plant they can. It’s just that it will bankrupt them…”

– Barack Obama speaking to San Francisco Chronicle, January 2008

EPAs 28 Giga-Watt (GW) Assault on Coal

The United States has the world’s largest coal resources. In fact we have 50 percent more coal than Russia, the country with the next largest reserves. But coal use in the United States is under assault.

Before becoming President, Barak Obama promised to bankrupt coal companies. As President, he has tried various strategies to force Americans to use less coal. After failing to pass a national energy tax (cap-and-trade), the President vowed to continue his attack on coal stating, there is “more than one way to skin a cat.”

Currently, EPA is leading the Obama administration’s assault on coal with a number of new regulations. Two of the most important are the “transport rule” and the “toxics rule” (Utility MACT). Combined, these regulations will systematically reduce access to affordable and reliable energy. According to our report:

EPA Regulations Will Close At Least 28 GW of Generating Capacity
EPA modeling and power-plant operator announcements show that EPA regulations will close at least 28 gigawatts (GW) of American generating capacity, the equivalent of closing every power plant in the state of North Carolina or Indiana. Also, 28 GW is 8.9 percent of our total coal generating capacity.

Current Retirements Almost Twice As High As EPA Predicted
EPA’s power plant-level modeling projected that Agency regulations would close 14.5 GW of generating capacity. That number rises to 28 GW when including additional announced retirements related to EPA rules, almost twice the amount EPA projected. Moreover, this number will grow as plant operators continue to release their EPA compliance plans.

Announced and Projected Retirements Higher Than Worst Case Scenarios
Analysis by the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), the entity in charge of grid reliability, projected that EPA’s Transport Rule and Toxics Rule would close 20 GW of generating capacity. This list indicates that at least 28 GW will retire. EPA’s Transport Rule and Toxics Rule push U.S. energy security past the NERC worst case scenario.

EPA’s New Regulations Will Hit States Trying To Get Back On Their Feet
Current announcements and EPA projections indicate that EPA regulations have a dramatic impact on states reeling from economic hardship.

Ohio: 2,894 MW retired, 8.6% of state total generating capacity.
West Virginia: 2,448 MW retired, 14% of state total generating capacity.
Indiana: 2,168 MW retired, 7.5% of state total generating capacity.
Tennessee: 1,376 MW retired, 6.2% of state total generating capacity.
Missouri: 1,325 MW retired, 6.3% of state total generating capacity.
Wisconsin: 902 MW retired, 5% of state total generating capacity.
You can download the excel document by clicking here:

Monday, October 3, 2011

We have enough energy

All the world wants a good paying job so why is the current administration against the American energy which could more than provide them. First Thorium Reactors. We have more than enough fuel to power the world here in the USA. A technology discovered and proved reliable and effecient in the 50's, but Thorium reactors do not make nuclear weapons, so we did not build it as we "the government" needed nuclear weapons to compete with the Russians. Her is a presentation from a guy at NASA who stumbled on the now almost forgotten technology. (by the public at large).

From "" Harold Hamm is more than a little disappointed in President Obama.

The founder and CEO of Continental Resources—the 14th-largest U.S. oil company—had a few minutes of exclusive face time with the president at the White House recently, where he told Obama that America had enough oil within its borders to “replace OPEC.”

Obama was unmoved.

Gregory Bull/AP
“Oil and gas will be important for the next few years,” Hamm recalls the president telling him. “But we need to go on to green and alternative energy. [Energy] Secretary [Steven] Chu has assured me that within five years, we can have a battery developed that will make a car with the equivalent of 130 miles per gallon.”

“Even if you believed that, why would you want to stop oil and gas development?” Hamm asks in a Wall Street Journal interview. “It was pretty disappointing…President Obama is riding the wrong horse on energy.” Hamm adds that the U.S. could be “completely energy independent by the end of the decade. We can be the Saudi Arabia of oil and natural gas in the 21st century.”

But the gatekeepers are keeping those gates shut.

“This shouldn’t happen in America,” Hamm told the WSJ.

By all rights, the feds should be falling at Hamm’s feet. He discovered the Bakken oil fields of Montana and North Dakota that have pushed the U.S. into third place among world oil producers and could yield, Hamm says, 24 billion barrels:

If he’s right, that’ll double America’s proven oil reserves. “Bakken is almost twice as big as the oil reserve in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska,” he continues. According to Department of Energy data, North Dakota is on pace to surpass California in oil production in the next few years. Mr. Hamm explains over lunch in Washington, D.C., that the more his company drills, the more oil it finds. Continental Resources has seen its “proved reserves” of oil and natural gas (mostly in North Dakota) skyrocket to 421 million barrels this summer from 118 million barrels in 2006.
“We expect our reserves and production to triple over the next five years.” And for those who think this oil find is only making Mr. Hamm rich, he notes that today in America “there are 10 million royalty owners across the country” who receive payments for the oil drilled on their land. “The wealth is being widely shared.”
Speaking of North Dakota, Hamm and many other forward-looking businesspeople have been singing the state’s economic praises for quite some time. Hamm told the WSJ that the Obama administration should study North Dakota, which boasts America’s lowest unemployment rate at 3.5%, if it wants to get the U.S. out of its fiscal quagmire:

“We can’t find any unemployed people up there. The state has 18,000 unfilled jobs,” Mr. Hamm insists. “And these are jobs that pay $60,000 to $80,000 a year.” The economy is expanding so fast that North Dakota has a housing shortage.
HERE IS THE KICKER EVEN AFTER OBAMA WAS TOLD THIS : "if D.C. allowed more drilling permits for oil and natural gas on federal lands and federal waters, “I truly believe the federal government could over time raise $18 trillion in royalties”—which is more than the U.S. national debt."


This more evidence on the OBAMA administration's deliberate attack on the energy producing industries in this country. Knowing that the energy industry can get us OUT OF DEBT nationally, and put us back at full employment with high paying jobs, why would the president and his supporters chose otherwise? Everybody wants a high paying job. Producing our own energy would do that, and keep the money circulating in the USA instead of going to foreign countries which dramically increases federal tax dollars. With this in mind I do not understand how any one would chose the opposite. In fact to attack them on purpose just leads us to where we are going: bankrupting the USA. Billions of income dollars lost due to lost drilling in the gulf and denied/delayed drilling permits, the federal goverment dragging approval of new nuclear reactors ect (ref "project no project") combined with new excessive spending (QE1, QE2, green energy doomed to start projects like solendra, ect.)

Thursday, September 8, 2011

obama, oil drilling, economy jobs,

Need to see this link for more info.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

The USA has a way to get out of debt drill for our own oil and natural gas.

Some quotes from T-Boon Pickens and other supporting facts that if we developed our own oil/gas resources we (the USA )would reeemploy our own people and get this country not just out of debt but very much in the black as they say in accounting.

Pickens said Tuesday that if the United States takes advantage of the so-called "wind corridor," stretching from the Canadian border to West Texas, energy from wind turbines built there could supply 20 percent or more of the nation's power. He suggested the project could be funded by private investors.

Power from thousands of wind turbines that would line the corridor could be distributed throughout the country via electric power transmission lines and could fuel power plants in large population hubs, the oil baron said.

Fueling these plants with wind power would then free up the natural gas historically used to power them, and would mean that natural gas could replace foreign oil as fuel for motor vehicles, he said.

Using natural gas for transportation needs could replace one-third of the United States' imported oil and would save more than $230 billion a year, Pickens said.

“Our dependence on foreign oil remains at a critical stage” said Mr. Pickens. “Last month alone we imported nearly 380 million barrels of oil at a cost of nearly $20 billion. It is outrageous that we are sending billions of dollars-- $432,000 per minute-- overseas to foreign countries while domestic programs at home remain severely underfunded. This transfer of wealth is among the greatest in human history and is streaming revenue away from investment in our own communities into other countries, many of which are not our allies. These countries are taking our dollars and building beautiful state of the art schools, airports, roads, government buildings while our roads and bridges are full of holes, our schools remain in poor condition, and our infrastructure is in dire need of an upgrade. There are better choices for where we spend our money, and I’d say it should be right here in the United States.

"We are going to have to do something different in America," Pickens told CNN. "You can't keep paying out $600 billion a year for oil."

Pickens, appearing at a press conference alongside activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr., drew attention to December's figures, in which the U.S. imported 379.6 million barrels of oil, which added up to $19.3 billion dollars. This amount, Pickens contends, could fun D.C.'s schools for nearly four hundred years.

By Editorial page staff, The Times-Picayune The Times-Picayune

Exxon Mobil Corp.'s announcement that it has made the biggest oil find in the Gulf of Mexico in more than a decade is a momentous discovery for our region and the rest of the nation, and it underscores the importance of bringing Gulf drilling back up to speed.

Photo courtesy ExxonExxon Mobil Corp. announced on Wednesday that it had found the biggest oil discovery in the Gulf of Mexico in more than a decade, the equivalent of more than 700 million barrels of oil. Shown is the rig, Maersk Developer, in the Gulf of Mexico, 250 miles off the coast of Louisiana, in about 7,000 feet of water.
The company on Wednesday said it's found the equivalent of 700 million barrels of oil at the Hadrian prospect, located 250 miles off Louisiana's coast and in 7,000 feet of water. That's a major find to help advance our nation's energy independence and security, and it shows why the Obama administration needs to ramp up the approval of safe drilling permits.

Exxon had finished two wells at the site and was prepared to drill a third one when the administration last year imposed its blanket moratorium on drilling following the BP spill. That halted Exxon's progress in exploring this prospect. It wasn't until March that federal regulators finally signed off on the company's revised plans for the third well, which helped achieve the new discovery.

Exxon officials said more than 85 percent of the resource found at their Hadrian prospect site is oil, which makes most of it recoverable under current technologies.

BP has reopened the debate on when the "peak oil" supply will be reached by announcing a big new discovery in the Gulf of Mexico which some believe could be as large as the Forties, the biggest field ever found in the North Sea.

The strike comes days after Iran unveiled an even larger find of 8.8bn barrels of crude oil, and the moves have encouraged sceptics of theories which say that peak production has been reached, or soon will be, to hail a new golden age of exploration and supply.

BP itself believes that Tiber is bigger than the prospect on the nearby Kaskida field found in 2006, which has around 3bn barrels of oil reserves in place, while industry experts said Tiber might be as large as Forties, which has 4bn barrels.

Excitement around Tiber comes amid a welter of new finds both in established oil producing areas such as Iran and in new areas such as Uganda and western Greenland. There has recently been an oil rush in the deep waters off Brazil and talk of large onshore volumes of new gas in Holland, although the UK's North Sea fields have seen a slump in drilling levels.

"Its an amazing turnaround from the gloom of the last 10 years. All these finds will take a long time to bring on stream, but it shows the industry is capable of finding more oil than it uses and shows we have not come to any peak," said Peter Odell, professor emeritus of international energy studies at Erasmus University in Rotterdam.

HOUSTON — Exxon Mobil Corp has made two big new oil discoveries and a natural gas find in the Gulf of Mexico, news that underscores the importance of the prolific basin to U.S. crude output.

Oil and gas exploration in the Gulf was halted by the U.S. government last year after the blowout at BP Plc's Macondo well, and activity in the Gulf remains at levels far below those seen before the oil spill.

Exxon estimated the new deepwater wells could produce about 700 million barrels of oil equivalent.

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"Seven hundred million barrels doesn't happen very often," John White, an analyst at Houston-based Triple Double Advisors in Houston, said. "That's a lot of oil."

The lower tertiary geological formation which stretches across the deepwater Gulf, is thought to hold as much 15 billion barrels of oil. Recent large discoveries there include BP Plc's Kaskida, estimated to hold 3 billion barrels of oil.

Irving, Texas-based Exxon had reserves of 24.8 billion barrels oil equivalent at the end of last year.

The discoveries are the company's first in the Gulf since the government moratorium was lifted. The Irving, Texas, company was on the verge of drilling its Hadrian prospect when the government suspended deepwater activity.

Advertise | AdChoicesAdvertise | AdChoicesAdvertise | AdChoices"(The discovery) speaks to the fact there are resources in the Gulf and if we have a tax and regulatory environment that will encourage us to find and produce our own domestic oil the industry will respond,"

Gulf of Mexico saturated with oil?
Another find preceded this week's major discovery

World Net Daily | September 8 2006

Chevron's announcement this week that the Jack Field located in the Gulf of Mexico 270 miles southwest of New Orleans may have as much as 15 billion barrels of oil was not the only recent find of oil in the Gulf.

In March, Mexico announced the discovery of a new huge oil find, the Noxal Field some 60 miles from the port of Coatzacoalcos on the coast of Veracruz state. Estimated to contain as much as 10 billion barrels of oil, the find could well be larger than Cantarell, Mexico's biggest oil field, near Yucatan.

Like the Jack Field discovery, the Noxal Field is a deep-water find, relying on new drilling technology. Chevron is drilling the Jack Field under some 7,000 feet of water in a 28,175-foot well, in total nearly seven miles under the surface of the Gulf.

The Noxal find was deep-water, though somewhat less so that the Jack field, at under a little more than half a mile of water and a further two and a half miles underground.

"The new deep-water finds in the Gulf of Mexico are more validation for what we wrote in "Black Gold Stranglehold: The Myth of Scarcity and the Politics of Oil," co-author Jerome R. Corsi explained to WND. "The deep-earth, abiotic theory – that the origin of oil has nothing to do with biological material – argues that oil is abundant at levels deep within the earth."

Co-author Craig R. Smith pointed out "all of these Gulf of Mexico oil finds are at deeper levels than traditional-thinking 'fossil fuel' geologists typically looked."

"Moreover, these finds call into question the 'peak oil' theories that we are running out of oil," he said. "When huge new finds are being made in the Gulf, why does President Bush continues to believe we must prepare for a world running out of oil?"

Even before the new Mexican discovery, the Energy Information Agency's own figures estimate proven world oil reserves at 1.28 trillion barrels, more than ever in human history, despite world consumption nearly doubling since the 1970s. Currently, oil is plentiful on world markets and the price has fallen under $70, despite the continuing uncertainty with resolving Iran's enrichment of uranium in defiance of the U.N. Security Council.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

pailin and a way for the USA to get out of debt.

why is she the only politician saying this:

"We need to get this economy moving again, and the real stimulus we’ve been waiting for is domestic energy development. We must reduce our dangerous dependence on foreign oil by responsibly developing natural resources here. This will provide good paying jobs, reduce our trade deficit, increase federal and state revenue, ensure environmental standards, and actually stimulate our economy without incurring any debt. That’s real stimulus! Affordable, plentiful, and secure energy is the foundation of every thriving economy. Let’s make it the foundation of ours. Let’s do the opposite of President Obama’s manipulation of U.S. energy supplies. Let’s drill here, build refineries, and stop kowtowing to foreign countries in asking them to ramp up energy production which makes us even more beholden to them as we rely on their foreign product. Let’s move on tapping our massive domestic natural gas reserves. Natural gas is the perfect “bridge fuel” to a future when more renewable sources are available. It’s clean, it’s green, and we’ve got a lot of it. Let’s drill. Let’s build an infrastructure for natural gas cars and power plants. Energy development can help kick start our economic engine.

In addition to energy security, I embrace a pro-growth agenda that can make American corporations far more competitive on the global stage. (I will be writing more about this in the coming days.) We need to tell the world, “America is open for business again!” And let’s welcome industry by reducing burdensome regulations. The Obama administration keeps strangling businesses in red tape. From the EPA’s rulings to that nightmare known as Obamacare, the Obama administration is hanging one regulatory albatross after another around the private sector’s neck. Let’s get government out of the way and give the private sector room to breathe, grow, and thrive. We can provide businesses confidence to expand and hire Americans in a stable environment."
Conquering the Storm
by Sarah Palin on Monday, August 8, 2011 at 3:53p

She is correct here is a link backing her conculusion


Monday, January 17, 2011

From President Eisenhower about goverment spending.

What else did President Eisenhower say on January 17, 1961? It is something that speaks to us today:

“Another factor in maintaining balance involves the element of time. As we peer into society's future, we – you and I, and our government – must avoid the impulse to live only for today, plundering for, for our own ease and convenience, the precious resources of tomorrow. We cannot mortgage the material assets of our grandchildren without asking the loss also of their political and spiritual heritage. We want democracy to survive for all generations to come, not to become the insolvent phantom of tomorrow.”

Illinois passes 66 percent income tax increase

Illinois passes 66 percent income tax increase; 'job-killer,' critics say, I say duh? Have they not learned from California or Ex President Jimmy Carter that increasing taxes does not mean an increased revenue stream. Could they not learn from President Kennedy (John F. Kennedy)or Ronald Reagan or George Bush (the son not the father) who cut taxes and proves that it both increased revenue to the US treasury and created jobs. Local Business leaders decried the proposal, calling it a job-killer because raising the personal tax rate triggers a corresponding jump in corporate rates.

"Based on this particular legislation the only businesses that will benefit are the moving companies that will be helping many of my members move out of this particular state," said Gregory Baise, head of the Illinois Manufacturers' Association. Hey Is that not what Chicago has had all my life:business leaving. After the loss of so many factories, I mean why smarten up now? Personaly I thank God that I smartened up and followed the business leaders who moved their business out of the state. Could not the Ill democrats in control of the state see the Job loss and business losses of California as they continually raise their taxes and fees and regulation?