Have you ever been cought off guard by something like Mit Romney was during this election? To find out that the answer to the mystery was right in front of you and so obvious that everybody else could see it but you. This is how I am when I'm looking for the tool I just put down. Usually if I turn around it is right there. I could not find it because it was too obvious. Romney and the Republican Party leadership sabotaged themselves at the 2012 Republican convention in Tampa. The election results show that, as compared to the last midterm election, white males stayed home by the order of ~ 3 million across the midwestern states that Obama won such as Ohio. Why then did they stay home? Simple answer protest vote against the Party leadership (and their canidate) that has clearly stated they are not wanted. Even thoe the Tea party helped sweep 61 seats into republican hands Party leadership and all that help would be needed to secure the senate and the presidency during the republican convention the Old Guard Leadership and Mitt Romney's people attacked the newcomers attempting to put them down.
From Michelle Maulkin post:
"This past Friday, the RNC’s Convention Rules Committee voted – after several contentous votes – to change the party’s rules to allow future presidential candidates to have veto power over who can be delegates from any state – in other words, take power away from the grassroots and their ability to elect fellow conservatives as delegates.
This represents a brazen move by several Washington Beltway consultants and party insiders to diminish the power and influence of conservatives over the party."
"Finally, we would like them to help us spread the word that this is an insider power grab by a bunch of DC Beltway types who want consultants to be able to pick who the delegates are from their respective states in the future – AS WELL AS FUTURE PLATFORM COMMITTEE MEMBERS. Post a link to this page on Facebook and Twitter…spread the word on the media…COMPLAIN. Let everyone know this is wrong, and that it is ANTI-GRASSROOTS!"
From Tim Eaton | Monday, August 27, 2012, http://www.statesman.com
"The Texas delegation is livid. At a morning meeting of Texas delegates, Munisteri and a boisterous crowd discussed how the proposed change would affect the way Texans might send delegates to future conventions.
We will be “told how to select our delegates,” Munisteri said.
Texas prides itself on being a state party whose members choose who will go the national convention. It’s a grassroots — versus top-town — approach, said James Dickey, an at-large alternate from Bee Cave.
Dickey said the result of the change, if it is approved, could be drastic.
“It would dampen enthusiasm a lot,” Dickey said. “It would dampen excitement about running to be a delegate.”
So after pissing off the conservitive groups that helped elect Romney in the primary and were on fire to help the republicans replace Obama what did they do? Stomp on them again.
" Floor fight: Grass-roots activists battle attempt to rig RNC delegate rules Updated: Palin: “direct attack on the grass-roots;” RNC power grab showdown 2pm; Rush weighs in; purge underway?; Rules Cmte votes 78-14 for deal; dissidents gather sigs for floor fight; Boehner/Sununu declare”no objections” over massive boos on floor
By Michelle Malkin • August 27, 2012 03:04 P
Dudley Brown from Colorado was part of the group trying desperately to use the last resort to block it.
“If you’re trying to win a presidential campaign and put on a show, you shouldn’t poke a sharp stick in the eye of conservative activists,” he said.
From Politico:
"TAMPA, Fla. —The Romney campaign appears to have fended off a floor fight Tuesday over the 2016 nominating process.
First, Mitt Romney’s top surrogates agreed to a compromise on the Republican National Convention’s rules committee that assuaged some angry conservatives.
Then the chairman of the rules committee, top Romney surrogate John Sununu, swiftly brought the amended rules up for a full voice vote on the convention floor late Tuesday afternoon.
Over Ron Paul supporters loudly screaming their disapproval, House Speaker John Boehner (chairing the convention) declared that the “yes” votes had prevailed.
Conservative ire was already flaming out earlier in the afternoon after the rules committee voted, 78 to 14, to accept a full set of revised rules. Negotiated behind the scenes by Romney’s surrogates on the rules committee, the compromise means that winning candidates will not be able to approve or reject their delegates.
But staying intact is a change to the Republican National Committee governing document that makes binding every statewide primary or caucus — that is, the new rule will invalidate any delegate who votes for a candidate other than the one they are bound to support under their state’s rules.
From the Blaze report by Mythoes Holt
"The trouble began when Credentials Committee Chairman Mike Duncan took the stage to announce the results of several appeals requests to have three delegations controlled by Texas Congressman Ron Paul’s supporters seated at the convention. True to early reports, the convention seated two of them, but declined to seat the Maine delegation, instead choosing to seat an alternate delegation.
The announcement that the Maine delegation would not be seated met with audible booing. The decision, however, passed the convention floor by a voice vote, despite the cacophonous roar of “No” from the Paul supporters.
It was at this point that the real chaos started. Business Insider reports:
Things just got a little awkward during the Republican National Convention, as Ron Paul supporters burst out into protest and shouted “point of order” in protesting the RNC’s determination not to seat Paul delegates from Maine.
“Point of order! Seat them now! We’ve been robbed!” Paul supporters shouted.
The Paul supporters’ chants were countered by Romney supporters chanting “U-S-A!”
RNC Chairman Reince Priebus, who looked rather bewildered throughout the entire ordeal, repeatedly asked for calm banging his gavel on the podium.
Audio of the screaming was cut out by C-SPAN, but it continued unabated as the convention proceeded, with angry delegates shouting “No” to practically every motion following this decision. The shouting of “U-S-A” followed each outburst, a response that Tweeter robport suggested might have been coordinated:
Timothy P Carney@TPCarney
RT @robport: ND delegate just texted me saying they were instructed to chant "USA" to drown out dissent. #RNCpowergrab
28 Aug 12 ReplyRetweetFavorite
Coordinated or not, the problems did not stop after this first outburst. When Rules Committee Chairman John Sununu took the floor to ask for agreement to a set of rules – rules that have been slammed up and down by grassroots conservatives and conservative pundits for depriving activists of power – the makings of a real rebellion looked to be in the making. Reporter Zeke Miller Tweeted:
Zeke Miller@ZekeJMiller
Two members of the Texas delegation are chanting "Point of order" repeatedly.
28 Aug 12 ReplyRetweetFavorite
Zeke Miller@ZekeJMiller
More members of the Texas delegation now joining in
28 Aug 12 ReplyRetweetFavorite
Permanent convention Chairman John Boehner called for a voice vote on the rules. Those voting “Aye” screamed their approval. Boehner called for those opposing to yell. The response was arguably indistinguishable from that of the supporters. Nevertheless, Boehner ruled that “The Ayes have it” and all the rules went through. Despite early reports that minority reports had been sent to the Chair that would have offered an alternate vision of the rules, no minority reports were voted on. It was as though no opposition had ever existed.
Boos and fury followed. The unseated Maine delegation walked out in disgust.
Added for reference for thoes who do not remember the 2009 midterm elections.
Political balance shifts to the right
Republicans also gain in the Senate, though Nevada Democrat Reid keeps his seat.
November 03, 2010|Mark Z. Barabak
Republicans seized control of the House on Tuesday and shrank the Democratic advantage in the Senate, dealing a major setback to President Obama and sweeping a number of "tea party" insurgents into power.
The nearly coast-to-coast blowout -- a result of voters' frustration and deep economic anxiety -- promised to once more change the country's political dynamic, presenting challenges to both parties in a newly divided government.An energized conservative electorate, fueled by the anti-establishment Tea Party movement that emerged in 2009, helped Republicans to what could be their biggest gain in congressional elections in decades.
"It's clear tonight who the real winners are, and it's the American people," said Boehner, who is expected to become House Speaker in January when the new GOP majority takes over.
"With their voices, the American people are demanding a new way forward in Washington," Boehner said, calling for conservative policies favored by the Tea Party such as cutting spending and reducing the size of government
Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0812/80294.html#ixzz2Bz1876Dm
Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0812/80294.html#ixzz2Bz1zMOba
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Thursday, November 8, 2012
More Obama voters display there lack of knowledge
More confirmation of my last post: business guy with a good plan but no clue on publicity coupled with aparently no college outreach vs the president with no plan but great publicity. (Provided free from colleges and the mainstreet news)
Put plainly Romney and especially the republican leadership failed to reach the college age voters.
Further thoughts.
The post election economic moves by business to prepair for the new Obama care taxes and regulations is underfoot. The post election layoffs/plant closings have begun. Did anybody else besides me notice that when it looked like Romney was going to win earlie during the reporting that the stock market surged only to lower drastically once it was apparent that Obama would win.
Put plainly Romney and especially the republican leadership failed to reach the college age voters.
Further thoughts.
The post election economic moves by business to prepair for the new Obama care taxes and regulations is underfoot. The post election layoffs/plant closings have begun. Did anybody else besides me notice that when it looked like Romney was going to win earlie during the reporting that the stock market surged only to lower drastically once it was apparent that Obama would win.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
election results...thoughts
Feeling quite shocked since the economy and jobs and taxes were on my mind and supposedly high on many others as well. Rather than hiring a new president with business credentials we re-hired the big spending politician who has proven he does not understand economics or business.
Obama's reteric of "The rich must pay their fair share/free stuff for everybody else" won out over the business guy with the plan but bad marketing. Remember the brieghtbart web sight video of the Ohio Obama college voters? They new nothing of our economic situation or the bengazi failures, nor did they know Romney/Ryan's economic recovery plans. They acted like they never heard of them. Yet they were voting for Obama, it was the cool thing to do.
Neil Boortz top 3 posts in his "Neil's Nuze" today are the best explanations for what happened that I have seen so far. Others have incorrectly blamed the "Tea party and conservatives". Last night the ABC news commentator went so far as to say that speaker Baner will have to go to "thoes" guys and reign them in that they are the reason we are facing the fiscal cliff cause "they" blew it preventing us from getting Obama's tax deal. Yes he actually blamed the runaway deficit spending on the guys who are attempting to be finically sound and want the out of control spending/borrowing to stop. His twist of logic/reality is astounding.
By Neal Boortz
Will somebody please explain how in the hell this makes any sense: Exit polling showed that the economy was, by far, the most important issue in this election for voters … yet, they vote for the SCOAMF?
I’ve outlined in detail the failures of the ObamaEconomy and the ObamaRecovery. But even without that information, it doesn’t take a rocket surgeon to understand that Obama has been an abject failure when it comes to our economy and recovery.
So what is going on here? Either people are lying about their top voting issue or they have absolutely no clue. Remember what I told you about the Dunning-Kruger effect? Incompetent people are inherently unable to judge the competence of other people, or the quality of those people's ideas. This is the only way to explain how people can go to the polls with the economy as their top voting issue and push the button for Obama.
These are the people who believe that it is possible to tax our way to prosperity and that the rich aren’t paying their fair share. These are the people who believe that Warren Buffett pays less in taxes than his secretary. And these people are now, officially, the predominant force in America. Yesterday, they proved that.
I warned you that the greatest threat to this country are these uneducated voters. I hope you are making plans to get out of dodge, because the moochers are outnumbering you and they have the numbers on their side to vote their way into your pocketbook.
"The argument could be made that this was our last chance .. this election … 2012. Our LAST chance … and we blew it. Turning this country back toward freedom, economic liberty and self reliance will be an even tougher task in the midterm elections of 2014, and probably impossible in 2016. By 2016 even more Americans will realize that they can use the ballot as a weapon .. a legal weapon .. to do something that would put them in jail if they did it with a gun … and that is take someone else’s money. Game. Set. Match.
Those people cheering this Obama victory have no real idea what is going on in the minds of business owners across America today. Some are making plans to close less-profitable locations and lay off employees. Some businessmen are shelving plans for expansion and more hiring, deciding that it would be better to take their money and put it where it will be safe from the coming tax increases. Other businessmen are preparing to fire some employees and reduce others to part-time status in order to stay below the employee threshold on ObamaCare. People who voted for Obama yesterday will be out of a job by the end of the week because their election wishes came true.
Here’s an interesting dynamic that the low-information voters who put Obama over the top will not be able to grasp. As businesses cut back on employees, and as they move more employees to a part-time status in order to escape the mandates of ObamaCare and other government regulations, the employees who will suffer; the employees who will lose their jobs or be relegated to part-time status with lower pay, will be the less capable, less educated employees who voted for Obama yesterday. They will never understand that their job situation has become more tenuous because of the vote they cast. They simply aren’t intelligent enough to understand that. They’ve done this to themselves, but they are too ignorant to realize it.
Are you wondering what the wonderful low-information voters have brought us on this day after the election?
Here … let me drop a few reminders:
Higher taxes on productive Americans, of course. Exit polls showed that most voters want this. Obama’s class warfare tactics worked like a charm.
Labor unions will renew their push for card-check; unionization by intimidation.
Taxes on jobs producing small businessmen will almost certainly go up.
Obama will issue a call for another multi-billion dollar stimulus bill that will do nothing other than reward cronies and campaign contributors.
Doctors who have been in practice for many years will be closing up shop. They know what a nightmare ObamaCare is going to be for their patients, and they want no part of it.
The Second Amendment will come under immediate attack. The United Nations will be used as an excuse to limit our rights.
The EPA will unleash a flood of new “clean air” regulations that will all but destroy the coal industry and bring huge increases in the cost of energy.
Democrats will start talking about a scheme to levy a tax against retirement and pension funds on the premise that it is not fair that some people are going to have a comfortable retirement while others will have to shove shopping carts at customers entering Wal-Marts.
The push for ETIs will return. Economically Targeted Investments. This means that the government will tell you where you can and cannot invest your qualified retirement (401K, IRA) funds. The purpose will be to force you to invest these funds in “union-friendly” (i.e., unionized) companies.
Democrats will develop schemes to punish states with Right-To-Work laws in an attempt to force more Americans into joining unions in order to work.
Democrats will attack talk radio with community advisory boards and shorter license renewal periods. Syndicated talk radio may be a thing of the past in four years, except for Clark Howard, of course."
Obama's reteric of "The rich must pay their fair share/free stuff for everybody else" won out over the business guy with the plan but bad marketing. Remember the brieghtbart web sight video of the Ohio Obama college voters? They new nothing of our economic situation or the bengazi failures, nor did they know Romney/Ryan's economic recovery plans. They acted like they never heard of them. Yet they were voting for Obama, it was the cool thing to do.
Neil Boortz top 3 posts in his "Neil's Nuze" today are the best explanations for what happened that I have seen so far. Others have incorrectly blamed the "Tea party and conservatives". Last night the ABC news commentator went so far as to say that speaker Baner will have to go to "thoes" guys and reign them in that they are the reason we are facing the fiscal cliff cause "they" blew it preventing us from getting Obama's tax deal. Yes he actually blamed the runaway deficit spending on the guys who are attempting to be finically sound and want the out of control spending/borrowing to stop. His twist of logic/reality is astounding.
By Neal Boortz
Will somebody please explain how in the hell this makes any sense: Exit polling showed that the economy was, by far, the most important issue in this election for voters … yet, they vote for the SCOAMF?
I’ve outlined in detail the failures of the ObamaEconomy and the ObamaRecovery. But even without that information, it doesn’t take a rocket surgeon to understand that Obama has been an abject failure when it comes to our economy and recovery.
So what is going on here? Either people are lying about their top voting issue or they have absolutely no clue. Remember what I told you about the Dunning-Kruger effect? Incompetent people are inherently unable to judge the competence of other people, or the quality of those people's ideas. This is the only way to explain how people can go to the polls with the economy as their top voting issue and push the button for Obama.
These are the people who believe that it is possible to tax our way to prosperity and that the rich aren’t paying their fair share. These are the people who believe that Warren Buffett pays less in taxes than his secretary. And these people are now, officially, the predominant force in America. Yesterday, they proved that.
I warned you that the greatest threat to this country are these uneducated voters. I hope you are making plans to get out of dodge, because the moochers are outnumbering you and they have the numbers on their side to vote their way into your pocketbook.
"The argument could be made that this was our last chance .. this election … 2012. Our LAST chance … and we blew it. Turning this country back toward freedom, economic liberty and self reliance will be an even tougher task in the midterm elections of 2014, and probably impossible in 2016. By 2016 even more Americans will realize that they can use the ballot as a weapon .. a legal weapon .. to do something that would put them in jail if they did it with a gun … and that is take someone else’s money. Game. Set. Match.
Those people cheering this Obama victory have no real idea what is going on in the minds of business owners across America today. Some are making plans to close less-profitable locations and lay off employees. Some businessmen are shelving plans for expansion and more hiring, deciding that it would be better to take their money and put it where it will be safe from the coming tax increases. Other businessmen are preparing to fire some employees and reduce others to part-time status in order to stay below the employee threshold on ObamaCare. People who voted for Obama yesterday will be out of a job by the end of the week because their election wishes came true.
Here’s an interesting dynamic that the low-information voters who put Obama over the top will not be able to grasp. As businesses cut back on employees, and as they move more employees to a part-time status in order to escape the mandates of ObamaCare and other government regulations, the employees who will suffer; the employees who will lose their jobs or be relegated to part-time status with lower pay, will be the less capable, less educated employees who voted for Obama yesterday. They will never understand that their job situation has become more tenuous because of the vote they cast. They simply aren’t intelligent enough to understand that. They’ve done this to themselves, but they are too ignorant to realize it.
Are you wondering what the wonderful low-information voters have brought us on this day after the election?
Here … let me drop a few reminders:
Higher taxes on productive Americans, of course. Exit polls showed that most voters want this. Obama’s class warfare tactics worked like a charm.
Labor unions will renew their push for card-check; unionization by intimidation.
Taxes on jobs producing small businessmen will almost certainly go up.
Obama will issue a call for another multi-billion dollar stimulus bill that will do nothing other than reward cronies and campaign contributors.
Doctors who have been in practice for many years will be closing up shop. They know what a nightmare ObamaCare is going to be for their patients, and they want no part of it.
The Second Amendment will come under immediate attack. The United Nations will be used as an excuse to limit our rights.
The EPA will unleash a flood of new “clean air” regulations that will all but destroy the coal industry and bring huge increases in the cost of energy.
Democrats will start talking about a scheme to levy a tax against retirement and pension funds on the premise that it is not fair that some people are going to have a comfortable retirement while others will have to shove shopping carts at customers entering Wal-Marts.
The push for ETIs will return. Economically Targeted Investments. This means that the government will tell you where you can and cannot invest your qualified retirement (401K, IRA) funds. The purpose will be to force you to invest these funds in “union-friendly” (i.e., unionized) companies.
Democrats will develop schemes to punish states with Right-To-Work laws in an attempt to force more Americans into joining unions in order to work.
Democrats will attack talk radio with community advisory boards and shorter license renewal periods. Syndicated talk radio may be a thing of the past in four years, except for Clark Howard, of course."
Sunday, November 4, 2012
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