Saturday, March 17, 2012


Talked with the CEO of our powerplant in an 'unoffical discussion of what he sees going on / comming up' (No offical policy but here is what is going on in my world type of discussion). It is a nice thing we get to do this occasionally. When the topic of health care came up he said the people in his circle say that most if not all the companies will drop there insurance when the new government insurance law takes effect and the government exchanges are in place. (OBAMA-CARE)He said we currently have good insurance and he does not want to see it going away, but that decision is above him. We like the catholic church are self insured. As all of us are ex navy, none of us, wanted to go back to VA care as we all have direct or indirect VA horror stories. Then today I found this in the politico:

Four hard truths of health care reform
By: David Nather
March 16, 2012 05:41 PM EDT

President Barack Obama promised over and over during the health care debate that “if you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan.”

It turns out that, for a lot of people, that isn’t true.

A Congressional Budget Office report issued this week says that 3 to 5 million people could move from employer-based health care plans to government-based programs as the Affordable Care Act takes effect. And in the worst-case scenario, it could be as many as 20 million.

For Obama, it’s an inconvenient truth at a really inconvenient time.
The link has the rest of the story.

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