Friday, May 22, 2009


Got a lung infection, nothing like coughing up yellowish brown mucus clumps and traces of blood to make you aware of the shortness of life and thankfull of accepting Jesus Christ as your savior and modern medicine.  How anybody could smoke and kill their lungs is beyond me.  Ill make it through this Doc says its a strong bacterial lung infection medicine.  Anyway I feel much better about 6 hours after taking the first one.  Staying home and resting is against my naure. I'd rather be working.  Anyway resting is good so they tell me.  buglover34465

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

My new air system .
My used craftsman 12 gallon 6.5 gpm air compressor works well but it has less than adequate air volumn for my air tools. This setup is my solution. I created a surge tank downstream of the compressor output using a removable jumper so my portable compressor is still portable and thus easily interchangeable if necessiary. The air cylinder holds ~60-70 gallons and is about 3 times the size of the portable tank. The air cylinder is rated to 2800 psig and cost $25.00 from the local junk yard. I installed a water trap filter on its input and a pressure regulator on its output. My friend uses a PVC air expansion setup as a water trap. It uses three 6' long 2.5" in diameter pipes as expansion chambers/water traps. He connects the chambers sequentially with a drain valve on each one. he has only described this water trap to me so after I get some things clarified I plan on building one. He said that he installs it between his compressor output and the comertial water trap/pressure regulator setup he runs. With this setup as it is right now I can run all my air tools and they run well. No more waiting for the compressor to raise pressure so I can use my air powered rotary tool. I can even run the dual action sander which barely ran before. The guy at the vitamin shop had one of the best ideas, use a metal garden hose reel to hold the air hose. With wall mounting, the hose is out of the way yet aviable when needed and the hose reel can hold ~200 ft of air line. I also plan to do this but on another paycheck.
I used the lifepreserver to keep the plastic line from toucging the compressor housing. The beauty of this idea is that the compressor can be located close to the electric plug but the surge tank does not have to be and the system can run off of the surge tank. Buglover34465.

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Saturday, May 16, 2009

took some cool pictures will post later.

Ran into a friend today he has brought out his 66 Gia it's tan lowered very cool.  His door windows are not installed yet and it just started pouring out ! Hope he made it home before the downpore otherwise he will have a good story to tell.   

Thursday, May 14, 2009

myspace page.

Comments/ Ideas on how to make better?

smoking-hot babe, Carrie Prejean

I love how Ann Coulter put's it her article "LIBERAL TALIBAN ISSUES FATWA AGAINST MISS CALIFORNIA May 13, 2009" I think that the left hates her for her views as they are reminded of their sinfull behavior along with their flimsy justification for it which is something they velimately hate. Thoes attacking Carrie for her views want her to model/support THEIR VIEWS so they can say "See what were doing IS CORRECT, LOOK SHE IS A ROLL MODEL/ LEADER AND SHE BELIEVES IN IT. I TOLD YOU THAT OUR BEHAVIOR IS NORMAL AND GOOD." Thus they became unhinged as she STOOD for GOD"S views not theirs. Carrie Prejean is truly so much better than most of the pasters and possibly all of the female news anchors out there. The millitant gay guy who still is attacking her should never have been or ever be a judge as his predjuices prevent him from being objective. Carrie stood and is still standing up for her right to free speech and her own views. Day by Day cartoon is one of my favorite ones. Check out his way of responding to the millitant Gay hate monger
My engine build is in progress. Following in the John Karcey, thaught train. 76x85.5, (B pistons), 5.5" rods. Demellow full circle crank with stock flywheel and 1965 jaguar xke equalizer pulley and 356 porsch generator pulley. Will replace the stock doghouse fan with a balanced and welded one . I have a set of "OMNI valves" and plan on using them. they are supposed to help pick up bottom end tourque. They take ~5cc of space up in the head. (just starting the head work so this is not verified yet) With omni valves the valves take care of the opening and closing events (up to .160" lift if I rember correctly) leaving the cam to set max duration and the cam/rockers to set max lift. The cam I am using: CB performance 2236 ( Adv. Duration 280° / Dur. @ .050" 236° / Lift @ cam .339" / Lift w/1.1:1 Rocker Arms .372" IVO 8,51° Lob Cnt 108º) I am going to use 1.25 rockers on the intake and 1.1 on the exhaust. The engine is also set up for full filter flow with the Bob Hoover oil mods, with a type 4 cooler, 4 in one header with a vacume pipe mod for the centermount carb preheat, and a dual vac distrubitor and it's matching 34 picti 3 carb. I have a jag crank harmonic balancer pully like John Karcey (but with an alternator instead of a generator like in his 1982 gia engine). I am slowly setting the heads up, aiming for a .040" deck and 8.5 to 9 ish compression. What compression are you running? I am considering running exhaust port extensions like "The Old One". From the man himself: "The principal reason for originally developing these extensions was to combat reversion back in the mid 70's. As program dollars permitted more and more port/system R&D, I found that on some applications, extending the exhaust port length (before dumping into a larger primary header pipe) caused significant torque increases over shorter ports. Equalizing port wall lengths to equalize surface friction was next, and of course, combining all three followed. I never came up with any formula's for doing this, and today, I still determine the best combination the old fashioned way....on the dyno in both acceleration runs (ramped by time) and the more effective acceleration runs ramped by a diminishing load, where elapsed time from point A to point B in the RPM scale is the read-out. This later method equates more closely to real-world. Larry"Pictures and more info on my engine build are : Pictures and more info on my engine build are : one sewsight I have found particulary interesting is For some reason the web security doesnot like this sight but I have not had any problem with the engine build pages.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

When using the ~10 # 1965 Jag pulley reversed and bolted to the VW pulley hub (machined down VW pulley) one also needs to use the 356 porsch generator pulley along with it's washers and pulley nut. It really is a better design than the VW pulley and it is smaller thus requiring the use of a welded and balanced fan. I plan on using the mexican VW alternator pulley with built in fan on the rear as the Jag pulley is further out and requires a spacer anyway. To do this I cut the hub right at the surface of the rear pulley half. Current belt is a 15x350mm however when the correct porsch nut and spacers come then I will find the correct belt size. The 15 mm sits too far up on the "V" groove so I plan on using a 13x 345 or 340mm whiver fits better. You want it deeper in the grouve to prevent throwing a belt. Bob Hoover said it best "You are the mechanic in charge." And something like once you change one part everything it works with must be checked /modified to fit also. (Bad paraphrase). Changing the lower pulley effects the pulley to fan gear ratio, poth pulleys alignment, and the belt length. On Jon Karcey's 1st engine he had a generator and used the VW stock generator pulley if I decifer the "Dune Buggies and Hot VW's" magazine pictures correctly. In the 1982 pictures of his engine he has an alternator with the smaller 356 porsch pulley. The stock doghouse fan according to Jake Raby makes more pressure when spun faster, it just must be welded or it has a tendency to granade. Pressure is what drives the cooling air flow through the hot fins in the aircooled head, wheather its VW, porsch, or an airplane motor. Buglover34465.
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My daughter

My daughter, Jacquellynne-Marie is very important to me we have alot of fun together. She is very smart and creative. It is neat to see all the simular interests/hobbies that we have especially when she, without being pushed into it, becomes interested in something that I am also interested in. Althoe we have the same interest/like/hobby it is neat to see the the new direction she goes with it.
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Friday, May 1, 2009

Here I am working on ny engine. My goal is to build a high MPG motor like John Karcey. To that end I have learned and used Bob Hoovers oil system mods for the case internals. The head work is in progress, it will also include the oil mods. Buglover34465
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1951 vw bug high MPG enging build in progress

Following in the John Karcey, thaught train. My engine build is in progress. 76x85.5, (B pistons) Demellow full circle crank with stock flywheel and 1965 jaguar xke equalizer pulley and 356 porsch generator pulley (on order)Will replace the stock doghouse fan with a balanced and welded one (not ordered yet. Any recommendations as to order from?) I have a set of "OMNI valves" and plan on using them. they are supposed to help pick up bottom end tourque. They take ~5cc of space up in the head. (just starting the head work so this is not verified yet) With omni valves the valves take care of the opening and closing events (up to .160" lift if I rember correctly) leaving the cam to set max duration and the cam/rockers to set max lift. The cam I am using: CB performance 2236 ( Adv. Duration 280° / Dur. @ .050" 236° / Lift @ cam .339" / Lift w/1.1:1 Rocker Arms .372" IVO 8,51° Lob Cnt 108º) I am going to use 1.25 rockers on the intake and 1.1 on the exhaust. Currently have a 34 picti solex, just cleaned and rebuilt, (carb adjustments not set yet) Pictures and more info on my engine build are :