More of my thoughts on the ambassador stevens incident. As I see it: This was a King David style hit on the ambassador just like King David did to Bathsheba's husband. In both cases our man was put in the area of highest fighting and the other people pulled back leaving our man to die. Just like with King David this was done to cover the king's sin up so nobody would know. With this theory in mind the facts come into place. Establish the cover story: here we have the pre 9.11.2012 apology out of now where about a video supposedly offensive to muslims that nobody there had yet seen or herd of. Having our egyptian embassy do this ensures that the right people would hear the apology. Then have our ambassador go to the area of Libia where the fighting is the greatest..Bengasi. Have the state department pull the american security detail replacing them with alquieda/musulim brotherhood friendly security armed with billyclubs. Given the instructions of warn them and run away. Now just like King David did, we have our man left to die at the hands of our enemy. Complete this with real time video of the hit, which 2 different news reports have CIA people claim happened, and we can understand why our president could go to sleep after hearing (seeing) the news. Like King David to him his troubles were taken care of, the evidence and the witness were gone. For weeks afterwords we let anybody run through the ambassadors compound, possibly to allow the evidence to be removed..recall that CNN waltzed through the compound days later and found Ambassador Stevens diary on the floor while most of the other documentation is gone.
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