Sunday, October 21, 2012

Not so funny trend with the Obama administration...calling terrorist attacks anything else but a terrorist attack. Two examples The fort hood massacar and the most recent string of attacks against our ambassador in Bengasi which resulted in his death. "According to Stars and Stripes. The Obama administration has thus far refused to consider the November 2009 mass murder a terrorist attack, choosing instead to call it — I kid you not — “workplace violence.” The victims and families of those murdered by Hasan want that changed ASAP" When describing the bengazi attack Obama in selling his it's due to the video narriative said Something along the lines that the mob attack was the justifiable reaction of mussulims to a video insulting their religion. Not that a mob attack is ever justifiable, not that such violance is wrong, no but he agreed with the terrorist mobs that there actions were valid. Article documenting Obama negociating with terrorists something George Bush said America would never do. This CBS report details how we had a predetor drone watching the attack but sent ne reinforcements in. It also states that Hilliary Clinton knew of the attack and asked the libian goverment for permission to have our military fly into their air space. in other words she knew that night about the attack.

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