Fun loving multiple faceted man. One of my passions is the restoration of my 1951 vw bug. In pursuit of that goal I Learned alot from Bob Hoover, the old one, Jake Raby, and several others.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Here is a promise that OBAMA delivered on..."Under my policies ENERGY PRICES WILL NECESSARILY SKYROCKET" gass..and electricity both which hurt the middle and lower class.
My families favorites are the XANGO juice, the kids 3SIXTY5 chewable vitamins, and the Eleviv dietary supplement.
My 4 year old just Loves his "yummies" (the kids chewablee vitamins tast like starburst candy.) He loves them so much that I actually have to hide them so he does not eat them all.
My son has had feveral seizures. He use to get high fevers alot, before he started his daily juice and "yummies". I myself have had problems with high blood pressure. After taking the XANGO juice for a little while the doc lowered my medicine dose. The juice re-baselines your body so it is in the best position to fix it self.
Please visit my web sight to check it out for yourself . I have a short informative video there for you. If you like what you see fill out the contact form.
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